Dear me, it's OK to...

Posted by Alina Liao on

Last week, we had our first Wellness Journaling Mini-Retreat of the year, Ease into 2022. It was so nice to gather with folks, even virtually, and journal for our wellness in community. 

One of the prompts from this self care journaling retreat that I'm still rolling around in my head is, "Dear me, it's OK to..."

When I say that to myself, my whole being softens. It puts me in a place of gentleness, which I didn't even realize my body, mind, and spirit need so much.

Sometimes the hardest thing is to give ourselves permission to rest, or to take it slow, or to let things go.

We all need that gentle voice reminding us, it's ok to...

With our self care journaling, we can be that loving, kind voice to ourselves, or to our inner child.

Give it a try... When you start with "Dear me, it's OK to..." what comes to mind? In your self care journaling, write out in your wellness journal or even just a loose piece of paper whatever comes to mind, as it comes to mind. Let it be true to you.

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